Lauren Faust is evil: The Third

One day I was on the internet, reading cupcakes. Until there was a pop-up. It read; HEY YOU YEAH YOU I know your name and address so i will send you an mlp lost clip. When it arrived 4 years later and mlp ended I began to cry tears of joy when I found the clip. It was called, Rainbow Dash's story. I knew it was true I pooed my pants. I began to watch the episode. But there wasn't a theme song it just began with Rainbow Dash looking at the camera. She said, "Fuck my life!" Snips and Snails walked across and Rainbow couldn't take it any more she took out an AK 47 and shot them a million times. I cried. Then she shot Twilight. Twilight said "Oh rainbow why?" Then twilight died. Then pinkie pie had a heart attack from all the sugar she ate. Spike got his entestines ripped out and I kept on crying..... OOh lauren faust how could you do this. I shot myself.
Lauren Faust is evil